Kaitlyn Hollister

Class of 2025
Major: Health Science
Minor: Spanish and Sociology

In volunteering at the Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC) in Roxbury, I have been able to interact with Spanish speakers from all over Latin America. Being able to communicate with these populations in Spanish has facilitated our conversations and allowed me to better explain topics in our English lessons. It has also allowed me to better connect and empathize with each person’s unique experience. Speaking Spanish has been especially useful on my co-op as a Medical Assistant at South Boston Community Health Center. We serve a large Spanish-speaking population, many of whom speak little to no English. Being able to connect with healthcare providers makes a drastic impact on the quality of care patients receive, so providing patients with a sense of belonging and understanding through a shared language helps them receive the best possible care. In addition to patient interactions at appointments, I have been able to help translate for nurses giving vaccines, schedule appointments, and call patients to inform them about their prescriptions. Without Spanish, none of this would have been possible for me.