Study Abroad

Study Abroad Options

Students may study abroad at the Universidad de Veritas Semester Program during Fall or Spring, or Universidad Veritas Summer Program during Summer 1 or Summer 2.

For students who would like to take a) SPNS 3401 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1 while abroad or b) two courses towards a Spanish program while abroad, it is recommended to complete at least SPNS 2102 before studying abroad.

Spanish for Healthcare Minor

Please note that Spanish for Healthcare minors are allowed to transfer in up to two courses towards the minor. Transfer courses include the AP (score of 4 or 5) and courses taken at other domestic or international institutions. Students who have already transferred in credit for the AP may apply one course from study abroad to the minor.

During the summer sessions, students may choose to take one or two courses. During the Fall or Spring semester, students may also have the following options. The should consult with GEO advisors about other course options to count towards the other half of their major or their minor.

Options for one course:

  • SPNS 2101 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SPNS 2102 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • SPNS 3101 Advanced Spanish 1
  • SPNS 3102 Advanced Spanish 2
  • SPNS 3401 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1 (prerequisite of SPNS 2102)
  • an elective (typically a prerequisite of at least 2102 or 3101)*

Options for two courses:

The following courses can be taken at the same time. Students must have completed a minimum of SPNS 2102 to be eligible for these options.

  • SPNS 3401 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1 & SPNS 3101 Advanced Spanish 1 (prerequisite of SPNS 2102)
  • SPNS 3401 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1 & SPNS 3102 Advanced Spanish 2 (prerequisite of SPNS 3101)
  • SPNS 3401 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1 & an elective (typically a prerequisite of at least 2102 or 3101)*

*See the program website for a full list of course offerings.

Spanish and Public Health, BA & Health Science and Spanish, BS

Students who are doing a combined major may count the courses listed above towards their major, as well as other elective options. Combined Spanish majors may also have the opportunity to participate in a Dialogue of Civilizations Program, although currently, no DOC programs include SPNS 3401 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1 or SPNS 3402 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 2.

Study abroad options for combined majors should be discussed with Professor Agostinelli.

Getting Started

Students who wish to study abroad should start by scheduling an advising appointment with GEO.

Following that appointment, students should email the coordinator, Professor Agostinelli, at, and include a list of courses they intend to take while abroad.

Study abroad courses must be approved by the coordinator prior to the start of the study abroad term.